Smax Surprise Cheese Flavor
Smax Surprise Cheese Flavor is snack in the form of rings with a surprise toy. I bought Smax Surprise Cheese Flavor at Alfamart in front of PDAM Bogor. I spent 5900 rupiahs to buy the snack. I just opened the snack with my son. Actually, I was interested in buying the snack because I believed that my son would love the toy just like KinderJoy toy. My son got a car toy. It has orange and yellow color. The size is quite big compare to KinderJoy toy. But, I think the KinderJoy toy is having higher quality. However, the snack tasted a bit sweet, salty and savory. I like it, but my son just ate one ring. I don't know why he doesn't like it. Maybe the taste is too strong for him.
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